12 Years of Experience
Ms MF Maloka
Ms. Mmatjale Flora Maloka (LLB, University of Venda), started her legal proffesion a Kruger Negel as a Candidate Attorney.
In 2009 she was admitted by the High Court of South Africa (Transvaal Provisional Division) as a qualified attornery and she was again admitted by the High Court of South Africa (Transvaal Provisional Division) as a qualified Conveyancer.
She then joined Legal Aid South Africa as a Professional Assistant, she moved to South African National Defence Force (LEGSATO), as a Captain in the Reserve Force Prosecution Council.
She joined BMP Incorporated as a conveyancer, she moved to Conrad Kruger Attorneys as a Conveyancer. Ms Maloka is a member of the Black Lawyers Association.
Areas of Expertise
- Conveyancing 99%
- Commercial and Corporate Law 97%
- Construction Law 91%
- General Litigation 97%
- Civil Litigation 99%
- Labour Matters 97%
- Matrimonial Law 96%
- Forensic Investigations 96%
- Legal Opinions 98%